
Topic: help with plating from the start

hi , i am new here , my name is paul and i would like some advice.. i have old very personal antique items that are made of brass and have been bronze plated by the look of it as its similar to what you would see on old guns and fishing reels  im not even sure if it is bronze but its definately some kind of metal plating , but the finish has worn off over the years and am looking to re-plate some old bits of antique brass with the same finish , can anyone offer up advice and how difficult it is , im up for a challenge and i would like to do it myself if possible.. i have no idea how its done but im eager to learn the tips and tricks of the trade , i can provide pictures if required but all the items need to be plated are brass.. thanks

Dr. A.

Re: help with plating from the start

By the time you buy tanks, heaters, filters, pumps, baskets, anodes, chemicals and about a thousand other things you will need, it would have been 95% cheaper to have a professional do it for you.  And that doesn't include the headaches of plating for the first time.  It is no where as easy as you may think it is.


Re: help with plating from the start

i thought all i would need was a car battery for the current and some carbon rods and some chemicals , is it really difficult to just plate a bit of brass in my garage , i remember when i was at school we did a similar process using basic tools , is there no way to do it in a simple way without having to get a company to do it for me , thank you for taking the time to reply to me i really appreciate it..


Re: help with plating from the start

sorry i meant to say that i have managed to create a good patina on old polished brass by using pure ammonia vapour by placing the brass in a sealed container , it gives a good dark and deep patina that doesnt rub off unlike a chemical application like birchwood casey or other chemicals , but now i would like to go 1 step further and try to apply a bronze or gunmetal finish , but thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my post it is much appreciated..


Re: help with plating from the start

What is the difference between BONDERIZING and PERKERIZING?

Please help