Topic: Chemical Etch on Sterling Silver from Soap
We use animal fat based compounds to polish our parts. When we clean our polished sterling silver jewelry components in our ultrasonic cleaning systems we get a type of chemical etching / haze on the surface of the parts. This forces us to have to re-polish (dry wheel) the parts to remove this superficial phenomenon. Attached are pictures of this condition at 50 and 200X. As you can see the copper portion of the sterling silver becomes separated / highlighted from the silver. Our sterling silver is 92.5% silver and 7.5% copper. Through several DOE’s and test trials we have isolated the root cause to be the ultrasonic soap we use which is Oakite BCR Plus (6% mix). We are able to recreate this condition by just placing parts in the mixed soap over time w/o heat or ultrasonic. We have done some preliminary trials with alternative soaps with some success. In particular we have had good results with Oakite Buff Brite NR (2% mix). Can anyone suggest a soap that would work in this situation or recommend a soap supplier that may be able to help us with solving this issue?
Your help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Last edited by SteveO@Tiffany&Co (06/22/2009 - 06:27 PM)