Paul Fisher

Topic: Cast your Nominations for the next NASF Tier VII Board Members!

NASF TIER VII Board Member Nomination Process....  The AESF Council will provide four (4) nominations to fill the two (2) open seats for the Tier VII membership category representatives on the NASF Board of Directors for 2010. The Tier VII allocation of seats on the 2010 NASF Board of Directors is based on the membership calculation in accordance with the NASF Bylaws.

ACTION REQUESTED:  Please click here to download the Nomination Form for the Tier VII vacancies on the 2010 NASF Board of Directors. Please note that the AESF Council will ultimately vote on the final four (4) nominees based on recommendations from the delegates and that the final vote for all NASF Board of Director vacancies will be via a full NASF membership mail ballot later this year.
Nominations must be received by August 15, 2009.

You are able to nominate the representatives that have terms expiring this year.